World Sleep Day

World Sleep Day

Sleep is an essential function that allows our body and mind to recharge from the day. A good night’s sleep helps us wake up happy, feeling refreshed and rested for the day ahead. A lack of sleep can impair concentration, clear thinking and memory processing - and it’s thought that as many as 16 million adults in the UK struggle with getting that all important shut-eye. 

We’re doubling down on how we think about getting some solid zzz’s this World Sleep Day because improving sleep is one of the simplest and most powerful behaviours we can do to improve our health and feelings of wellbeing. Research has shown that if we can improve our sleep, we can improve our mental health too. 

Read on to hear tips from some of our favourite brands on how to boost sleep quality for happy days and calmer nights. 

Anya, The Silk Collection 

  1. What are your 3 top tips for getting a good night’s sleep?

 There are so many different things that help me when it comes to getting good quality sleep but my top 3 are: 

  1. Switching off social media and anything work-related at least an hour before going to sleep. It can be really tempting before sleeping to check social media or quickly clear your inbox for the day, but I find this tends to increase anxiety levels which then makes it harder to get to sleep.

  1. Find your sleep rituals - Different things will work for different people, but I find doing something relaxing in the lead up to sleeping really helps me to switch off. For me that's usually reading a book, meditation (I use the Headspace app) or writing in my gratitude journal.

  1. Using an eye mask to block out the light - I never used to use an eye mask for sleep but a few years ago I started to use one and I’ve found it has done wonders for my sleep! I know I am biased but I rely on my Silk Collection silk eye mask to get to sleep every night. 

  1. If you’re feeling stressed from a busy day, is there anything in particular that helps soothe your mind?

For me it would be running a warm bath. This definitely helps me to unwind and de-stress after a busy day. It also makes sure you take time in the day to do absolute nothing and just rest! 

  1. What does sleep hygiene mean to you?

For me, sleep hygiene is knowing your body and having a sleep routine that works for you. Everyone is different and you will know how much sleep feels right for you. It’s then about creating a regular bedtime routine and staying consistent with your routine every day (even at weekends if you can!). 

  1. Do you have any advice for someone struggling with sleep?

Different techniques and aids will work for different people so I would test lots of different methods to see what combinations work best for you. 

What I have generally found is that the more you can prepare your body for sleep as far in advance as you can to actually going to sleep, the higher quality sleep I tend to have. Creating relaxing rituals to help your mind de-stress before bed is essential for me - that can include a combination of meditation, switching off social media, reducing the temperature in your bedroom, using natural sleep aids like an essential oil sleep spray and an eye mask. Start with small changes to your lifestyle habits and see how this affects your sleep over time to work out which methods work best for you. 

Malgo, Lumie.Lights

 1. What are your 3 top tips for getting a good night’s sleep?

One of our sleep experts once said that a good night’s sleep begins the moment you wake up, and I couldn’t agree more. Trying to keep a regular sleep/wake schedule would therefore be my number one tip. I like to wake up at around the same time every morning, even at the weekends. Most Saturdays I still have a lie-in, but instead of dosing off again, I like to read, listen to a podcast, meditate, or simply get lost in my thoughts. Other than that, I have a non-negotiable rule of always keeping phones out of the bedroom. Instead, I use Lumie Bodyclock Luxe 750DAB in sunset mode to nod off with at bedtime, gently and naturally. Lastly – I do try to get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep every night – most often 8. I am an early riser so that means I go to bed around 10 pm!

 2. If you’re feeling stressed from a busy day, is there anything in particular that helps soothe your mind?

Exercise is always my go-to, so depending on my mood I would either do a weight-lifting routine, go for a run or a cycle, do a yoga class or simply take a walk in nature. I also find cooking very meditative and soothing, which is a useful trait on days when it’s my turn to make dinner after a long day!

 3. What does ‘sleep hygiene’ mean to you?

I actually associate it very simply with ensuring my bedroom is my true sanctuary. Keeping it tidy, clean, and well-aired is a priority, along with filling it with plants and high-quality natural textiles – my favourite bedding is a linen set from Bedfolk and an eucalyptus silk set from Mela. I honestly don’t think there’s anything better than the feel of great quality bed linen! The moment I sink into it, I feel transported to my happy place. My partner and I keep no phones in our bedroom overnight which was made possible by using Lumie Bodyclock to fall asleep and wake up with – it’s a true game-changer!

4.  Do you have any advice for someone struggling with sleep?

I sleep very well and always have, apart from a short-lived bout of insomnia caused by a stressful life event. I was worried I’ll never sleep again, but this is when I developed some of the habits I stick to now. My number one tip therefore would be to commit to unwinding, finding what works for you (no phones in the bedroom? Lush bedding? Natural supplements? More fresh air in the room?), and giving it a go consistently for at least a month. More importantly, don’t get too attached to sleep problems, so as not to make a bad night’s sleep a self-fulfilling prophecy. Personally, during the worst part of my short-term insomnia, I turned to using a high-quality CBD oil daily to help me let go of anxious thoughts and drift off to sleep. Back then, it made a real difference to my evening routine, as well as to the quality of sleep and waking.

ANDRÉ, Remy Sleep

  1. What are your 3 top tips for getting a good night's sleep?

Establish a therapeutic pre-bedtime routine (a cuppa of camomile, getting comfy in sleepwear, the nice beauty bits etc.) and start it at the same time every day. I like to include self-reflection of the successes of the day and goals for the following day.

Lighting is key to signalling the brain to begin melatonin production which helps us get sleepy. I set the (sleep) mood by dimming bedroom lights before my pre-bedtime routine, avoiding the light of my screens, and only using the warm glow from my trusted Himalayan Salt Lamp to soothe me to sleep.

As a creative who is always conceptualising, sometimes it is hard for my mind to stop when in bed. I keep a notepad close by to release thoughts onto paper to help me stop thinking about them and focus on falling asleep. Just be sure not to use your phone as your notepad!

  1. If you're feeling stressed from a busy day, is there anything in particular that helps soothe your mind?           

Especially after the last couple of years of lockdown, I have found it very beneficial to take a stroll to clear the mind, either during or after a stressful day. Interestingly, when I take this time to soothe my mind, I usually come back with solutions or ideas that directly tackle what specifically stressed me! Whether heading to my local café for a turmeric latte (avoiding caffeine late in the day) or going to the gym for a quick workout, it's crucial to disconnect and eliminate phone usage during this time.

  1. What does 'sleep hygiene' mean to you?

To me, sleep hygiene means taking steps to establish the necessary practices and conditions to better how quickly you fall asleep, how much you stay asleep, and the overall quality of your sleep. Sleep hygiene starts well before hitting the hay by incorporating such practices as a) starting pre-bedtime routines around the same time every day, b) reducing screen exposure in the lead up to bedtime, and c) tucking into a book or magazine while tucked beneath my weighted cooling blanket, the Remy Airy Sleeper (which I LOVE.) I try to condition myself for sleep success by keeping my bedroom cool and dark early on, avoiding eating or snacking too close to bedtime, and ensuring I step outside early on the following day (tip: exposing yourself to sunlight in the morning tells your brain to be ready for sleep later in the evening.)

  1. Do you have any advice for someone struggling with sleep?

With working from home becoming more of a norm, my best advice is to create a clear separation from home and work to help end-of-day wind down into better sleep. Step away from the desk and continue getting physical activity and movement, preferably outside. Shut the laptop and phone screens off well before bedtime and sub in that book you've been meaning to read. And most effectively, establish a screenless pre-bedtime routine that you start at the same time every night to let your brain know that sleep is on its way.

Olivia Ferdi, TRIP Co-founder 

Before founding TRIP, I worked as a lawyer in the City, long hours - sometimes sleepless nights - I felt it and knew something had to change. When I discovered CBD I finally found an incredible relief for everyday stress, it helped me find calm and subsequently I found it much easier to wind-down and drift off peacefully. 

My bedtime ritual is now essential, taking a moment for me, prioritising stress-care in aid of better sleep. An hour before bed I switch off my phone - zero emails or WhatsApp notifications - light a candle and put on a relaxing playlist. I find that the slower pace really helps set me up for a better night’s sleep, together with a few drops of our CBD oil to totally calm my mind. 

Having a wind-down routine is a great way to decompress after a stressful day but there are lots of small daily habits you can incorporate in the hours before you go to bed too. Getting outside everyday and exercising a few times a week really works wonders. I try avoiding drinking coffee after 12pm, and limit my alcohol intake - our CBD drinks are the perfect alcohol alternative if you’re wanting to take the edge off, without the hangover. To feel your best during the day, you need to sleep well at night. 

Click here for more on How To Take CBD Oil For Sleep.