Find Your Calm

Find Your Calm

We created TRIP to share a bit of calm in the everyday chaos, because we believe mental health is intrinsic to good health. We are opening up the conversation around mental wellbeing to make sure no one feels alone in their struggles.

With the start of the new year upon us, we wanted to share stories and advice from our community to support connection in what might feel like a lonely month. Read on to hear from some of our favourite brands about how they maintain their mental wellbeing, this month and beyond…


LJ Watson, Head of Brand

What 3 things do you find helpful to boost your wellbeing on days when you feel low?

"I love to get out in nature, and I find going for a walk clears my head. I’m lucky that I live close to a forest in London. I find being under the canopy of the trees always fills me with a sense of calm and boosts my mood. Even a quick walk around the block or through the city streets feels like a simple way to step out of a situation that may be causing you to feel low and to generally look at things from a different angle. Also, music, I love a good playlist or motivational podcast."

What are your top tips for managing stress?

"If I’m feeling stressed, then I like to check in with myself and make sure I’m practising self-care. That usually involves slowing down, taking time to take a break and refuel before continuing with your day or the ask ahead. I think it’s also important to make time generally for the things that fill you with joy. I personally enjoy journaling - writing can be wonderfully therapeutic and is great for managing stress. I think that self-expression through journaling allows us to focus our mind and thoughts in a similar way to meditation and put them into perspective. It’s good for tracking any patterns too and gives space for reflection."

How do you unwind after a busy day?

"I love spending quality time with my daughter, she’s three, so while she can be quite a handful at times, we also have great fun doing crafts, baking, reading books and colouring in together. Revisiting some of that childhood wonder through play, is really joyful. I also enjoy reading, mediation and a long (undisturbed) soak in the bath."

Do you have any advice for anyone struggling with their mental wellbeing?

"While I’m no expert in this area, my advice would always be, talk about your feelings, make connections with friends and time to talk. Keep active, exercise regularly or simply go for a walk. Eat well. Do the things that fill you with joy. Take a break. Reset. Ask for help when you need it, none of us are superhuman, we all need support."

Astley Clarke

Katie Rowland, Head of Creative

What 3 things do you find helpful to boost your wellbeing on days when you feel low?

"I use aromatherapy a lot, particularly rollerballs of essential oils to boost my mood. My favourites are from Neal's Yard - Women's Balance, Energy and Sleep - depending on where I am at in the day. At home, we are big fans of aromatherapy diffusers and scented candles. Scent is so important as it really conjures up happy memories for me. So is a cup of tea. It's a go-to for me and reminds me of my Mum. I know it sounds trite, but a run I find really helps me physically burn off excess energy caused by anxiety. I find it a good way to reset."

What are your top tips for managing stress?

  • "Good Sleep
  • Talking it out / acknowledging stress
  • Diet 
  • Taking time for yourself"

How do you unwind after a busy day?

"Climbing into bed with my son, snuggling and reading bedtime stories with warm milk. My life has changed so much! "

Do you have any advice for anyone struggling with their mental wellbeing?

"Sharing with someone you trust and knowing that you are not alone. Learn to listen to your mind and body, to recognise early signals."



Olivia Ferdi, Co-Founder 

"Before founding TRIP, I was working as a lawyer in the City, working long hours and was seriously burnt out. The everyday grind could be relentless, but I never took the time to consider the changes I could make to feel better. Anxiety wasn’t being discussed at home or work - and when I discovered CBD I finally found incredible relief for that everyday stress and it helped me to find my calm. I was determined to create a CBD range that could alleviate stress for so many, choosing to bring this incredible hemp plant into the mainstream. 

I think after the last two years we’re all feeling new types of stress on our minds and bodies. While finding your calm looks different for everyone, I try and focus on two things daily. Get outside! Whatever the weather, even if you’ve only got 15 minutes - find some space and go for a stroll. Just leaving home has been instrumental for my headspace and productivity. Playlist on, tuning off the notifications - endorphins flowing I always return to the desk energised and my mind clearer. 

With the blurred lines between home and work + multiple screen action - I need to unwind ahead of sleeping to clear my mind ready to rest. This wind-down ritual will include some self-care, taking my time and not rushing through things. I work in our living room (which is also our kitchen). So for sleep, it’s an internet free zone for phones - zero emails or WhatsApp notifications to interrupt that wind-down. I find that the slower pace and keeping the bedroom separated from work really helps set me up for a better night’s sleep, together with a few drops of our CBD oil to totally calm my mind for some solid zzz’s."